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Studio Conversation with Natalie Dadamio

guest artists visual arts Nov 10, 2021

I am excited to introduce you to Natalie Dadamio. Natalie is a mixed media contemporary abstract artist, working in acrylic mixed media, but more importantly she is an artist operating in deep soulful freedom, using art as a vehicle for her inner healing journey. 

I'm not sure how long I've been following her on Instagram, but it was one of Natalie's many videos there that first caught my attention. Beautifully produced, Natalie works on her automatic drawings or paints, as she shares how art is so connected to her own healing journey, speaking my own love language with such nuggets as leaning in and listening, allowing the work to rise without forcing, and following the curious longings inside.

Off The Beaten Path by Natalie Dadamio

Natalie is an outstanding and prolific artist, who's own connection to the intuitive voice, has enabled her to produce work that evokes the feeling of connection to the sacred deeper things of life, spirit, mind, body, and soul. 

As an intuitive, creativity coach, Natalie helps her clients connect to their own voice through artistic expression. 

Once you watch the interview, you'll understand why I am so enamored with her. Be sure to find and follow her on Instagram, Youtube, and sign up for her newsletter at her website at the following links:

Natalie Dadamio's website
Natalie Dadamio on Instagram
Natalie Dadamio on YouTube 
Natalie Dadamio's 1 to 1 intuitive creativity coaching

A special thank you goes out to Lisa Visel for jumping in to conduct the interview with Natalie. (Hopefully this will not be the last you hear about Natalie here on Canary Rising!) 

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